Registered Social Landlords


There are a number of other social housing providers operating in West Lancashire, these are known as Registered Social Landlords (RSL) or Housing Associations.


How do I apply?

There are two routes you can take to be considered for a Registered Social Landlord property:
1. You can apply directly to the relevant RSL, links to their websites are below.
2. Apply the via Homfinder and the council may then 'nominate' you for a property.
Some RSLs do not keep a waiting list but rely on the Council providing nominations from their council housing register.


How do I get nominated?

Nominations to RSLs are done in the same way that the council allocates its own housing stock. The RSLwill advertise an agreed percentage of its empty homes through the Homefinder website. If you are intertesed in a particular vacancy you will need to express an intestest by placing a bid. At the end of the advertising cycle the council will 'nominate' three applicants to the RSL, this will normally be the three highest placed applicants subject to rent and reference checks. To make an offer of accomodtaion the RSL will contact the successful applicant direct, they may require some rent in advance.


Registered Social Landlords in West Lancashire

Click on the links below to take you to the landlords websites





Helena Homes


Housing 21


Liverpool Housing Trust




Progress Housing Group


One Vision Housing


Places for People


Plus Dane Housing




Salvation Army


Sanctuary Housing


Your Housing Group